Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"You are what you eat."

Eats for 6/8/2010:

1. Bowl of Honey Almond Flax flavored: Go Lean Crunch
2. Three peanut butter crackers
3. Chicken Cheesy Quesadilla
4. Keebler Elf Fudge Striped Cookies

Explanation of how this is ridiculously true:

1. Honey sweetness & lean: accurate description
2. (White) cracker: accurate description
3. Cheesey: accurate description of my appreciation for good dad jokes
4. Elf: accurate description

The more important thing to ask yourself is how could this possibly not be accurate? You see a girl pounding down a Double Down, and you've got to say, she's probably double a person. You see a dude munching on string beans, he's clearly a skinny mini string bean. Done and Done.

Is anyone else wondering if you eat solo foods on a plate, i.e. one pea, are you more of an anorexic or a loner?


  1. I don't wonder any of that because "You are what you eat" is a bastardized version of "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. You are not a chicken...or, a grilled flat bread.

  2. I think we can all agree that I've successfully argued otherwise. xoxo, gossip girl.

  3. I think an anorexic would be the type who would carry around an empty plate just for show in order to make others think they had indeed been eating, but in reality it's nothing. A loner would not be in sight and certainly not be in the presence of others during meal time!

    I'd have to say someone who eats solo food on a plate is just poor. We are talkin' Tiny Tim poor.
