Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"You're so vain"

This is another fact or fiction depending on who you're referring to.

Unfortunately for me, I suppose I am pretty vain. See, I often google myself. It's gross. Brigid Marshall and "Brigid Marshall" are my top google searches. For real. I google myself all the time, and because I have a unique name I know what will show up — but recently there's been another Brigid Marshall walking all up on my turf.

Arizona Brigid Marshall (ABM).

And, I'm sure she's a peach, a doll, a good friend, blah blah blah. She friended me on Facebook maybe six years ago or so. I declined, respectively, because I try to only be friends with people on the book if we're really friends, or at least we have met in actual life and want to become friends. It's not that crazy of a concept.

Well, ABM is now a film actress. So it's not anything too high up on the totem pole, or near it, though now I might have to buy the domain name: www.brigidmarshall.com. But man, did I get a kick out of the future employer who will google my name and see this. I hope to heaven that they don't, but also pray they do, and still ask me in for an interview. If you've got 3D glasses left over from Avatar, now's the time to pull them bad boys out.

"They Called Her Stumpy (in 3-D)" [Loft Cinema 48-hour 'grindhouse' trailer contest] from Batman Jones on Vimeo.

For the record: They Do Not Call Me Stumpy.

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