Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Any accomplished American cheats on their spouse."

I heard this the other day, and it had me thinking. It all grew out of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And, while I recognize that MLK brought together a nation and seriously changed the course of history forever for the better, he too cheated on his wife. As did Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, and many other notable politicians. But it's not even limited to politicians: Mel Gibson, Tiger Woods, and Jon Gosselin. And it doesn't even have to be in recent history: Humphrey Boggart, Roman Polanski, and Johnny Cash. And they don't even have to be men: Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Lopez, and LeAnn Rimes. And, unfortunately, they don't even have to be famous. And they don't even have to be real people: Don Draper.

Obviously, many accomplished Americans don't cheat on their spouses, but man, it sometimes can seem like it.

So, this one's a toss up, only because Tina Fey and her husband Jeff Richmond are still together after eight years. Thanks T.J.

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