Thursday, March 4, 2010

Honking at girls on the street isn't always a come-on

In general, the honk at stranger routine creepy dudes put on is on its way out. Now people only honk if they support something. Like Barack Obama. Or breasts. Or Chuck Norris — but when taxi cabs honk at me, they really creep me out. No, it's not a come-on, but who wants to feel that, "Come on, girl, lemme give you a riiideee..." vibe?

I don't mind cabs if I've got to go to the airport or if there are four of us and we don't mind splitting. But, price point definitely adds to the vote for walking and the film Taxi Driver scares me.

What I do mind is taxis honking at me when I don't need a ride. It's midnight, and I'm the only one on the street, walking a quick three blocks from the brown line to my apartment, and they're feeling lonely, and they need the money. I get it.

At least I know cab drivers aren't trying to get your attention in that hit-on-way like those chotchkeys winking at you at the corner of Addison and Clark on a Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. Micro economic taxi oversupply! Whenever I don't need one, they're everywhere. The minute it starts raining, they split.
