Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flack for my stance on miracles: I am correct.

I've been getting some flack from my personal peanut gallery on my stance on miracles. Namely one person who shall remain anonymous, for his sake. The catalyst for this blog came one crappy day in December when I saw a comment on another social networking site that stated simply (and incorrectly, I might add) that "Miracles happen every day." To that I responded, somewhat critically: "Like hell they do."

My reasoning for said fact was the definition of miracle. Sure, definitions can change up depending upon the situation, but I'm not about to let a colloquialism rule my life. No, no idioms navigating this life.

The reasoning my friend tried to add up to supporting "Miracles happen every day" was this: that anything that's unique is a miracle. Sure, sure, uniqueness is a key — but I stress the solo "a." Let me take you here, to this snowflake.

Unique. One of a kind. Sure, all of those things. But, it's not a miracle that it exists.

Just as colds — which scientists have attempted to create a vaccination for in order to rid the world of these meddling runny noses, but just can't, as each cold is unique — are not a miracle.

I rest my case.


  1. I’m about as cynical as they come, but how’s about you open your mind and read a F*!king book. The definition of miracle according to dictionary.com is “An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God”. With that in mind, scientists estimate that there were about a billion conditions that needed to take place perfectly in the first nanosecond after the big bang to create the type of galaxy, universe, and planet to support human life (brief history of the Universe, Stephen Hawking). So, you might say that every breath you take is a miracle -I would.

    Also, miracles DO happen every day. There are so many things in the world that “appears inexplicable”. The fact that someone would actually find me attractive - miracle. The fact that people actually think George Lopez is funny-miracle. The fact that people actually think the cubs will EVER win the world series- miracle. The fact that no one knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop – miracle. The list goes on and on…

    Check out more of my random thoughts at my blog Might-be-true.com. I’m blogging about the validity of blogging and the irony about saying something ironic (let that one marinate in your mind for awhile).

    -Seacrest out

  2. I agree with the above statement.

  3. I think Seacrest has a point. I will cetainly be checking out his blog.

  4. If your "case" was rested, I think snowflake just murdered it in its sleep.

  5. I wanted you to remain anonymous, Ryan Seacrest! But, as life would have it . . . here you are.

    The word "inexplicable" was used in the Dictionary.com definition of "miracle." That word means, "cannot be explained." Down to the nanosecond scientists and doctors can explain the quote on quote "miracle of life." It's not a miracle if it happens all the time. Miracle denotes something special, and not just that it might look different from all others. There's got to be more.

    Perhaps miracle is something that really is a standards issue.
