Monday, May 17, 2010

Wine Before Beer, You're in the Clear — or, is it, You're Queer?

I thought about actually testing these theories by planning a night out that followed with a subsequent day of solid recuperation, but then I thought better of it.

Then life happened, bringing forth the perfect testing situation. I once thought, "Dash it all, neither of these could possibly be correct if you're 5 feet and 100 pounds." Wrong. One of them is correct.

Having said all that, I will have you know that Friday night brought about an eve of witty roommate banter spanning the mile stretch from our apartment to North and Wells in Chicago's Old Town neighborhood. With a quick bottle of red shared betwixt friends solidly under out belts before leaving, we took the night by storm, hopping on the ten-speeds due southeast. And let's just say, "Wine before beer, you're in the clear/queer" was indeed thrown against the wall into submission. The pair of us managed a few beers and a shot (I believe in honor of someone's recently deceased grandfather, downer), then proceeded to illegally ride our cruisers home on the sidewalk as not to illicit willing cars to hit us.

8:34 AM rolled around, headache nonexistent: In. The. Clear: Fist. Pump.

Next weekend testing, "Beer before wine, then you're fine."


  1. i take your comment as an acceptance of accompanying me on further tests.
