Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Police Officers are good drivers.

This seems like it should be true, but it's 100 percent not. About three weeks ago I got my first City of Chicago parking ticket. I'm contesting it, obviously, as I'm not one to take things lying down. Blame my mother for that one. I really don't believe I was in the wrong. The signs weren't clearly marked Permit Parking Only. I was in front of a school after school hours were out, which means you can park there on three sides of the building, except the one I apparently chose. Anyway, short story long, I'm not going to be out $60 if I have anything to say about it.

But that leads me to this whole concept of who is giving out these tickets? Police officers, of course. That said, I can't take anything seriously if it comes from some dude or dudette who also break the law, and I'm not talking about when they're off duty. I'm talking about when you see a screeching car roll down the street going at least 10 over, not signaling as they turn illegally on a No Turn on Red street.

Last night alone I witnessed three violations. I wish there was something akin to a Citizens Arrest or Ticket for when regular people catch cops in the act. There should be a minimum violation involved like driving the wrong way on a one-way street. That's a $150 violation, and it happened yesterday at least once!

Reminds me of that one 9-1-1 call where some police officers smoked the pot they had confiscated from a citizen.


  1. I completely agree, Brigid. I have been back and forth from Chicago recently for graduate school events and have, on more than one occasion, witnessed the "law enforcers" (and I put them in quotation marks specifically to make my point) doing just the opposite. For instance, I was driving down I-94 going a bit over the speed limit when I noticed a Chicago police officer coming up behind me unnecessarily fast. He proceeded to fly by me while chatting/laughing with his officer-buddy in the passenger seat. Now tell me, was he in a hurry? Was he trying to keep us "unruly citizens" in line? Not at all. So where is the justice in that?

  2. I think Chicago cops driving poorly is probably the most minor of the institution's infractions.

  3. My angst is with you Brigid. I'm personally funding the Kennedy re-pavement project with my parking fines. The one I paid last night was my favorite. A ticket appeared in my mailbox that claims I was "standing" in a bus route. Not parked, just "standing". The fine was $100. Nothing like pulling over to make a phone call. No good deed goes unpunished.

    Fight the good fight Brigid! Not only for your bogus violation but mine too, and those of all citizen motorists. You're vigor is contagious!
