Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fortune Cookies Give Fortune.

Last Five Fortune Cookie "Fortunes":

1. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today.
2. When you can't naturally feel upbeat it can sometimes help you to act as if you did. 
3. You've got what it takes, but it will take everything you've got.
4. Tell them what you really think, or nothing will change.
5. Think of how you can assist a problem, not who you can blame.

None of these give any sort of fortune, not even a little. If anything most of them sound like something the Magic 8 Ball might respond with. The only other idea that could possibly link these little nothing sayings with fortune are the "Lucky Numbers" associated with the quote and Chinese words; and that's only because someone could use the numbers to play the lottery and win. Though, let's face it, everyone loses.

Here's a dumb website: HERE. Waste your time!

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