Thursday, January 28, 2010

"To me, working is a form of sustenance, like food or water, and nearly as essential."

That quote's from Katharine Graham, the publisher of The Washington Post during the Watergate Scandal of the early 1970s.

After listening to Obama's State of the Union speech, I mostly wanted to throw up. I'm not anti-Obama. Really, I'm not. I am frustrated with his speech though. What I used to find enticing about him, is now obnoxious to me. The man says, says, says time and again, "People have told me...", " "Wall Street...", "Washington says this..." This is bullshit. He's the president of the United States of America. Who cares what these people say. He pins others against him to make himself look good. Quality political work. But it bothers me to no end that he conveniently pretends he doesn't have a stake in what anyone else has told him.

He talks about creating jobs. And says, yes, people are hurting. We've cut taxes.We've increased unemployment benefits. But what that means is that companies that are still just floating above water are paying for it all. To do so, they need to cut their payrolls.

Honestly, I don't have much faith in the political arena. That's what it is, a fighting match.

All I want is to have a job that I can do my best at and that can make me my best. Every autobiography I have read attests to the fact that this is possible. So, don't tell me it's not.

For me, working is sustenance. It is food and water. And to keep floating, it's just as essential.

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