Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Those Who Bicycle Are Better Drivers Than Those Who Do Not

This almost warrants no explanation. I shall be brief. Bicyclists (and throw in walkers, while we're at it), know their surroundings more so than their four-wheeled friends. You find the ins and outs of a city or town based on taking back roads, finding where things wind up and around, and basically you learn about how terrible drivers can be. That's not to say that bicyclists do not have their faults. I've seen one too many of my bike lane counterparts neglect to use their hand signals, neglect to follow the rules of the road, neglect, neglect, neglect. But, I can safely say that car drivers are animals on the road. They don't pay attention. How else to explain something as minute a detail as looking to see if you're going to DOOR someone on a road that's clearly marked with a bike lane?

Since being on two wheels and slowly getting back to four as winter arrives, I know I'm 100 percent a more conscientious driver than I've ever been — mostly because as scared I am of getting doored on my bike, I'm more scared of doing that to someone.


  1. I've gotten doored once. It ruined a perfectly good meal. Also you should transfer this blog to a tumblr.

  2. 1. you told me that. bumzies.
    2. how did it ruin a meal?
    3. i dont know how nor do i think i want to.

  3. until jetpacks become commercially available to the public, both drivers and bicyclists lose.

  4. I would broaden this to ALL drivers. Monkeys on mechanical death wheels moving at X miles per hour....all trying to kill you.
