Sunday, September 12, 2010

"I Can't Live Without [Fill in the Blank]"

Yes, you can.

The only thing you can't live without is a heart — the literal one, not the metaphoric. You can live without appendages, you can live without that CD, you live without that person. And you will, because you have to.

You may not want to.  But let's not confuse wants with needs, and too often that's just what we do. We say, "She's not meeting my needs," or "I neeeeeeed this sweater to function." No, you don't. Perhaps what should be discussed is the idea of living. As in, how do we know we're truly living; breathing deeply; acting upon our desires in the hopes of creating a life worth keeping?
It won't be super fun without it, but there are a lot of deaf people out there.
You will probably be unhealthy, but you can live.

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